Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Did President Trump Ordered The Assassination of Jeffrey Epstein?

The “conspiracy” behind the story reeks of the JFK assassination, but did US President Trump actually ordered the “taking out” of alleged sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein?

By: Ringo Bones

Any criminology and law student knows that the investigation of any crime follows the Latin dictum – cui bono – which roughly means: “Who benefits from the enterprise?” Unfortunately, despite of his “sexy conspiracy theories” being spread on Twitter since the August 10, 2019 suicide in prison by alleged sex trafficker of underage girls Jeffrey Epstein, it seems that President Trump stands the most to lose if the investigation behind Epstein’s crime gets underway. Former US President Bill Clinton’s involvement with Jeffrey Epstein post 9/11 seems circumstantial and only makes Clinton a distant third on having the most to lose in the wake of an Epstein sex trafficking investigation. Prince Andrew is more likely to be the most to lose and British Intelligence may be the primary suspect for some given the “007” looks like an accident execution of Epstein while in custody. But if Oliver Stone where the Attorney General of the United States, it seems like President Trump is the most likely suspect.

From hiring thugs to harass President Trump’s former mistress – the pornstar Stormy Daniels, to the threading of the 13 year old girl allegedly raped by Donald Trump back in 1995, it seems that taking out Jeffrey Epstein is not out of the question given what Trump has done before when it comes to these matters. Is President Trump responsible for the death of Jeffrey Epstein? Maybe it is too soon to tell – yet.

Frightened to death by the dreadful prospect of being exposed as a “statutory rapist”, it seems that President Trump has the most to lose when it comes to Jeffrey Epstein spilling his guts out when it comes to the details of the alleged sex trafficker’s exploits during the past 40 years. Well, at least Trump’s base seems satisfied that the current POTUS is using former US President Bill Clinton as his conspiracy scapegoat and punching bag on Twitter.

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